When I began
to write this post in the early hours of this morning, after I was woken up
with calls. The BBM and Facebook wishes already started pouring in from friends
and family here in Naija, UK and Australia. After taking two caprisonnes and Nasco shortcake biscuit.... p yes you read that right..In other news, I have broken
up with shortbread and started a new affair with nasco shortcake!!!
I decided to write a big THANK YOU note to all of you that have been there for
me and touched my life. And most importantly, thank you for being part of my
life story.
I truly
believe in this concept that there are very specific reasons why someone shows
up into my life. I’ve always been able to learn or take away something from
them, sometimes good, sadly sometimes bad. So the culmination of who I am today
at 25, is an amalgamation of everyone that I’ve crossed paths with, some
longer, some shorter, some deeper, some more shallow. I’m not lucky, I’m
I’ve been very blessed to have a wonderful Father
that is more like my best friend than anything else. I love him dearly and
thank him for teaching me courage and kindness…. I’m blessed to have a strict
and sweet mum who raised me well, taught me humility, hard work etc .
I’m blessed
to have fantastic siblings: super smart elder brother and sister, lil sisters
who’re both super talented, artistic and poets to be… they all add so many
colours to my life
I’m lucky to
have beautiful friends, fantastic people
I’m lucky to have
wonderful friends few dated back to primary and high school I’m so glad to have met new friends that even
when we don’t keep in touch, we know we have each other’s back… Friends that
you just love without any efforts, people I’ve met and a handful that I’ve
grown close to.
Thanks for putting
up with me and my idiosyncrasies, wahala etc Thank you to those of you
who’ve inspired me to be a better person, you know who you are.
I sometimes wonder what people would say about me when I die. Would I
have affected or inspired people in meaningful ways? Will people miss me? Will
people feel like I’ve made a difference either in their lives or in the
environment, the community, the world? Would I leave a respectable legacy, no
matter how small? Even though this sounds morbid, it reminds me that what I
want to accomplish, build and leave in this world before I take a bow. I want
to affect people in significantly positive ways.
So I’m 25!!! What next?
When are you getting married, when are you doing this and that? When are u visiting the moon, buying your car, house, this and that?
Yes, 25. I’m actually pretty excited
for what’s ahead. I’ve been through a lot, also accomplished a little and met a
lot of incredible people along the way. There’s so much left to explore and I
never want to stop learning, creating and inspiring.

I sometimes allow myself to be scared and intimidated by my new age, to
feel like it’s a heavy weight, because when I was 16, I wrote down this to do
list-year by year. Don’t ask what I have accomplished..
I find that some people always make it seem like age defines you and
what you have to say or where you stand in the world.
I am truly thankful for life, but I’m tired of letting age dictate to me
what should be eg..
Own a car at 21
Get married at 22
Have all your babies by 25
Own a house and a dog at 35
As I turn 25, I am not going to let society determine my next line of
action in life.
I will do what I want to, I would learn from anyone at any point
regardless of age which is really just a number!
I would not race with the joneses
I’ll just celebrate life, work on finding that purpose and take it one
day at a time
I don’t have a birthday wish list
this year
I am just happy and thankful to God,
family and friends