Wednesday 2 January 2013

Show Love!

Its amazing how we tend to ignore the little things, how people ignore or bypass others when they feel its of no importance. Sometimes its an intentional act, at other times its unintentional but all the same it is wrong!

These things happen everyday and everywhere: In the bank, when the cashier attends to the big well dressed man before giving a second glance to the ordinary looking man who even got there first. Ignoring the maid guard who sits at the post as you walk into a place. Altogether avoiding the woman sweeping the streets so she doesn't stain your outfit in any way.  As Christians  we should be Christ like. 

Sometimes we get so caught up with life's activities, we don't even bother about these little things. Let's all learn to number our days and be mindful of our actions...

Show an act of kindness today, extend kind gestures wherever you are. Smile at that elderly man manning the gate, be courteous to the waiter taking down your orders. Appreciate the cleaner in the streets. A little smile, a word of greeting, a show of appreciation would go a long way

Set out to be happy, the Joy of the Lord is our strength. Life is a race, walking with God is the ultimate race. Infect someone with that joy, touch lives positively. God is Love, show some love everyday.

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